Friday, August 16, 2024

Aurealis Awards Ceremony

This is very late in the writing, but I did have a fab time in Melbourne at the Aurealis Awards Ceremony. Kudos to all the finalists and winners. It was a real privilege to have another story as a finalist with 'An 80's Tenement Love Story', which had quite a journey as it's an extremely Australian story finding a home in the American Bourbon Penn 31. And I have to confess, like a few of my works, the genre elements are light.

I love that the Aurealis Awards are decided upon by a panel of passionate judges rather than any voting system (which I'm always suspect of). I also appreciate that they're intended to award genre work of 'literary' substance, which is where some of my work is intended to fall: that merry land of fusion. 

All pics courtesy of Cat Sparks.

Below: the winners and finalist on stage with the host CZ Tacks in the foreground. 

The list of winners is here

The awards were at a great central venue, right in the CBD, next to the Melbourne markets. 

I met so many readers and writers over the few days, too many to mention everyone in this rushed space. I will say that it was a pleasure to see the launch of Kaaron Warren and Cat Sparks combined collection Calvary Fell; especially as I had the pleasure of reading most of Cat's works within beforehand. Cat and Kaaron are both genuine, humorous types, who I've always gelled with. Ironically, it was my first Aurealis Award Ceremony (for 'Reading Coffee') back in 2011 that I first got to hang out with Cat and Kaaron, and they, along with the artist, Nick Stathopoulos and his partner, Adrian Robinson, kindly showcased Sydney to me. 

The launch of Calvary Fell by Cat Sparks and Kaaron Warren at the bar pre-ceremony 

I met fellow finalist CH Pearce at the awards, as well as my fashion doppleganger Scott Steensma, while enjoying a laugh with T.R. Napper. And also meeting another West Aussie in J. Palmer, who won an award on the night with his first ever story...

Scott Steensma AKA My Fashion Bro at the bar pre-ceremony 

It was very cool to hangout with another fellow Greek-Australian writer, Pamela Jeffs, along with her hubby Darren. We toured the historical part of the Melbourne markets, indulging in a hot choc and a decadent pastry. I probably embarrassed them all with my buy of a hefty truckle of Ladotyri (as I've never seen it in Perth). Pamela AKA Panayiota held the record of having the most finalist works without ever receiving an award –largely in the highly competitive short story categories– so everyone attending was thrilled to see her break the drought with an Aurealis Award on the night. 

Melbourne has a happening centre. It is a much changed place from my last visit. I feel a though the massive student influx from Asia makes the CBD a livelier and safer place than previously. Of course, that's just an uneducated opinion based on a brief trip and a few evenings eating out and about. It was also great to catch up with the Katavatis cousins, albeit briefly, and I'll have to catch up with another Katavatis, Bel, next time. But my stay was brief and jam packed and I never managed to venture out of  the CBD. 

Currently Reading: Dance of the Happy Shades by the delightful Alice Munro, and the history Sultans in Splendour: Monarchs of the Middle East, 1869-1945 by Philip Mansel. Mansel wrote my two favourite histories: Constantinople: City of the World's Desire, 1453-1924, which is an absolute  must read for anyone interested in Ottoman, Turkish, Greek and Levantine history; and the equally miraculous Levant: Splendour and Catastrophe on the Mediterranean. 

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